MMI Day 1 - The Power of Receiving

Thank you for investing in the Money Magnet Intensive course. You're going to love it and receive a lot of healing over the course of this program. Three prosperity pointers will go out each week. When I recorded it, it was done Monday through Friday for a month. With this new format, you will receive a link to a recording for the next 20 days.  

 If you haven't yet, will you please complete your  questionnaire prior to starting your your Money Magnet Intensive Program course? Thank you.


Pro$perity Pointer #1:The Power of Receiving

Over the many years that I have been offering prosperity healings, one of the biggest factors in wealth building is around our ability to receive. The art of receiving takes on many forms including our ability to receive money, love, healing, compliments, happiness, our dreams, the relationship that we want and several others.  Can you recall a time in your life when you deflected or resisted a compliment or a gift? And can you also think of a moment when you tried to give something nice to someone and they rejected it... how did it make you feel?

There are many SUB-conscious beliefs, stories and patterns that can interrupt our ability to receive, such as not feeling worthy or deserving enough to receive. Then these subliminal subconscious messages can cause us to unintentionally BLOCK the good things from coming in to our lives like money, love, joy & peace. It's when we can purify ourselves and truly build a muscle to receive, that everything can shift. Over this month long journey, there will be many opportunities to release old energies that are no longer serving you, so please be super open and receptive.

A practice that I'd like you to consider doing is to start receiving absolutely everything that others want to give you. This includes compliments, gifts, money, affection, good energies, a hug, a raise, etc.  Start paying attention to when people are wanting to give you something and consciously choose to let it IN. If it is a good energy and intention, say yes and let it in.  

And by the way, receiving is an active exercise (not passive). When an energy is being given to us, it is our job to receive the energy and bring it in to our space. That is our part of the equation. We are not powerless, nor do we need to let in negative energies. So we can choose whether we want to let something in or choose to keep something out (if it really doesn't serve us). I would highly recommend, letting in ALL the good energies, blessings, gifts, compliments, money, etc that the Universe and other people want to give to you.

So what are you committing to receiving in this moment?

Also, it is best to sit or lay down with your eyes closed in a relaxing place for the call. Please do NOT drive during the call.

Each recording is 20 minutes long. Enjoy!

With Love & Ble$$ing$,


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